More and more companies are automating processes with the help of ML. This has tremendous advantages since an algorithm can scale in an almost unlimited fashion. Moreover, in case rich datasets are available, it can often detect patterns that humans cannot discover. As a well-known illustration, think about how Deepmind used a ML algorithm to optimize the energy consumption of Google’s data centres. When algorithms are used to make important decisions that impact people’s lives, such as deciding on medical treatment, granting a loan, or performing risk assessments in parole hearings, it is of paramount importance that the algorithm is fair. Because the models become ever more complicated, this is not easy to assess. As a consequence, both the public, legislators and regulators are aware of this issue; see e.g. a report on algorithmic systems, opportunities and civil rights by the Obama administration and (in Europe) recital 71 of GDPR.
Another approach is the so-called demographic parity. In that case, one requires that the membership of a protected attribute is uncorrelated with the output of the algorithm. Let us assume that granting a loan is indicated by a target binary variable Y = 1 (the ground truth) and that the protected (binary) attribute is called A. The forecast of the model is called Z. Demographic parity then means that
Pr[ Z = 1 | A = 0] = Pr[ Z=1 | A=1]
This notion, however, is also flawed. A key issue with the approach is that if the ground truth (i.e. default in our example) does depend on the protected attribute, the perfect predictor (i.e. Y=Z) cannot be reached and therefore the utility and predictive power of the model reduces. Moreover, by requiring demographic parity, the model has to yield (on average) the same outcome for the different values of the protected attribute. In our example, demographic parity would imply that the model would have to refuse good candidates from one category and accept bad candidates from the other category in order to reach the same average level. Concretely, assuming that the Dutch-speaking people historically have defaulted on 3% of their loans while the French speakers only on 1%, demographic parity would typically be in the disadvantage of the Walloons.
A more subtle suggestion for fairness was proposed by Hardt et al:
Pr[Z=1 | Y=y, A=0] = Pr[Z=1 | Y=y, A=1]
for y=0,1. In other words, relatively speaking the model has to be right (or wrong) as often for either value of the protected attribute. This definition incentivizes more accurate models and the property is called oblivious as it depends on the joint distribution of A, Y and Z.
As can be seen from the above, mastering fairness in ML/AI is crucial. This is why many tech giants such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft and IBM have created initiatives to tackle this problem. However, given that bias in algorithms is just one instance of model risk, we believe that the best approach is to separate concerns and handoff bias detection to entities that are independent of the model developers. In other words, we suggest leveraging the separation between the first and second line of defence to tackle bias efficiently.